Field & Park Improvements
The Park at LeDroit is undergoing construction in Spring 2019. The Friends of the Park worked with Councilmember Brianne Nadeau in 2017 to successfully advocate for funding for park improvements. This project will remove the old school’s foundation from underneath the field to create a playable field surface, prepare the soil for additional trees to be planted around the park, add shade structures to the playgrounds, and create formal pathways where people frequently walk. The construction is expected to finish around Memorial Day, with the new trees being planted in the Fall. Look out for announcements about a community planting day in the Fall to help plant the trees.
What is the Friends of the Park at LeDroit?
We partner with Common Good City Farm, the LeDroit Park Community Garden, the LeDroit Park Civic Association, and more to advocate for the Park at LeDroit. This includes community engagement, park events, cleanups, maintenance, and fundraising.
Our Mission: To enhance the use and enjoyment of the Park at LeDroit for all friends and neighbors.
2019 Accomplishments To-Date: Hosted four park meetups, purchased and installed small dog park fence, expanded butterfly garden, hosted park project community meeting with DGS & DPR, and co-sponsored Common Good Spring Kickoff.
Park Meetups:
Second Saturdays of the month from 10:30 - 11:30am
Meet neighbors, pick up trash, water plants, etc.
Get Involved:
Do you have an idea for the park? Do you want to volunteer at events or for the board? Contact us with any questions or ideas.
Donations for the Park: