Field & Park Improvements
Permitting delays and rainy weather in late Spring/early Summer have delayed the completion of the project. Construction is scheduled to wrap up in August, with fencing remaining around the field until early October so the grass has an opportunity to root and take hold. The construction has removed the old school’s foundation from underneath the field to create a safe playable field surface, created a new tree grove (trees will be planted in the fall), created additional walking paths around the park, and added shade structures to the playgrounds. Look out for information about a community planting day in October to plant new trees.
Splash Pad
Working with Councilmember Nadeau, the Friends of the Park at LeDroit advocated for funding to install a splash pad at the Park at LeDroit. We will host a community feedback session at the Park in Fall to get ideas from the community we can share with the Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) and the Department of General Services (DGS) who will oversee the project. The project will likely occur in 2020 or 2021.
Accessible Exercise Equipment
The Friends of the Park at LeDroit are working with AARP to install accessible exercise equipment, for seniors, people with disabilities, and all residents to use and enjoy. The anticipated location is the NE corner of the park near V street, just east of the dog park. Questions? Email:
What is the Friends of the Park at LeDroit?
We partner with Common Good City Farm, the LeDroit Park Community Garden, the LeDroit Park Civic Association, and more to advocate for the Park at LeDroit. This includes community engagement, park events, cleanups, maintenance, and fundraising.
Our Mission: To enhance the use and enjoyment of the Park at LeDroit for all friends and neighbors.
2019 Accomplishments To-Date: Hosted seven park meetups, purchased and installed small dog park fence, expanded butterfly garden, hosted park project community meeting with DGS & DPR, co-sponsored Common Good Spring Kickoff, and hosted a community fundraising event at BKK Cookshop.
Park Meetups:
Second Saturdays of the month from 10:30 - 11:30am
Meet neighbors, pick up trash, water plants, etc.
Get Involved:
Do you have an idea for the park? Do you want to volunteer at events or for the board? Contact us with any questions or ideas.
Donations for the Park: